News / March 5, 2020

Mask Strap

A Star Coding 的 3D Printing 導師林偉昇 (Mars Lam),得知很多前綫醫護人員因爲要長期用口罩,3月5日設計了一條 Mask Strap (口罩頭帶), 上載在 Thingiverse 供大家免費下載打印使用。

Mars Lam, our 3D Printing instructor at A Star Coding, learned that many frontline medical staff have been using masks for long periods of time, so designed a Mask Strap (mask headband). On March 5th he uploaded to Thingiverse for everyone to download and print for free.

加拿大人 Ken Lord (Thingiverse username: Suraky) 在 Mars 的設計加了一個小孔,以二次創作的數別再上載去 Thingiverse,打印了2千多條送給當地醫護人員。並留言感謝 Mars 的原創設計:

Canadian Ken Lord (Thingiverse username: Suraky) added a small hole in the design of Mars, uploaded it to Thingiverse with a number of secondary creations, and printed more than 2,000 pieces for local medical staff. He left a message to thank Mars for the original design:

Ken Lord in Thingiverse

加拿大BC 省 12歲的童軍 Quinn Callander 把檔案的連結 post 了在 Facebook 之後就開始瘋傳,Suraky 的3D 檔已下載了超過 6萬次

Quinn Callander, a 12-year-old scout from BC, Canada, posted a link to the file on Facebook and began to spread virally. Suraky's 3D files have been downloaded more than 60,000 times and over one million straps were printed all over the world!

Quinn Callander in Facebook

並得到美國國家衛生院(National Institutes of Health,NIH) 檢測合格後大力建議醫護人員使用

Surgical Mask Tension Release Band for Ear Comfort & Extended Use


在 Suraky 的3D檔有四百多個留言,世界各地包括美國,加拿大,巴西,西班牙,義大利,星加坡都有醫護人員及義工們不停地打印這Mask strap,保守估計已打印了一百萬條。英國方面也有人 print 了100條送往倫敦的 St. Thomas' Hospital (Boris Johnson 入住的醫院)。

A Star 所有同事正日以繼夜地打印這口罩頭帶,送給長者中心及有需要的人仕, A Star 能爲全球抗疫出一分力感到十分榮幸!
